April 11, 2021

The Holy Spirit Dwells in You

Passage: Romans 8:11

The Holy Spirit Dwells in You – Chris Byberg

God really, really loves this nation of Canada and all its people. And He wants to do something here, He wants to break out!  Fear can come in and if we fall for it, it will keep us from the purposes of God.  Romans 8:11 speaks of ‘the Spirit Who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us.’  Jesus living in us is a dangerous thing.  God wants it all from us. He wants us as living sacrifices.  He brings us out so we are no longer slaves to fear.  We become His sons and daughters.  We become joint heirs of Christ.  We have the spirit of adoption and are part of His family, all because of what Jesus did for us at the cross. Everything intended by God for Christ is ours.

If we live by the Spirit, and listen to what He says to us, we become dangerous.  He may even ask us to do something crazy.  We can ask for strategy on how to love our neighbours.

Be prepared to engage when Heavenly Father says ‘engage’.  We can sit before Him in the morning and ask, “Father, what do You want to do today?”