"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper…
Its so important to align ourselves with the Lord.   Listen in as Joel Hall shares some key insights and great encouragement to help us get aligned and stay aligned with…
Do we always know where we are going? Can we get along without encouragement?   Well join Graham Brum as he does a deep dive into what Hebrews 10:19-31 shares on…
You will want to listen to this wonderful message from our Church Planting Missionary Dayo Bankole if you, like many others, struggle with your relationship with the Holy Spirit and…
Listen in to Pastor Chuck Balik  as he continues with Part II of the series "Faith Comes by Hearing" on the journey to learning how to recognize, hear and obey…
Join Robert Narraway, one of WOCC's elders, as he continues with the 4-part series, called "WOCC Connections: Up, In, Out",  with this third session called: o  WOCC ministries with a…
Join Pastor Chuck as he does a wonderful, deep dive into 1 Corinthians chapter 13, to mine the riches of "The Most Excellent Way!" Here is a link to the…
Join Pastor Chuck Balik as he continues with a 4-part series, called "WOCC Connections: Up, In, Out",  with this second session called: o  Community. Including the importance of community and…