Can we run ahead of God?   1  -  Background God’s promises to Abram: Blessings of whole world I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I…
Have a Harvest Heart! 'When He saw the crowds, He had compassion for them... Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore…

2022-01-30 Grow! Graham

January 30, 2022
If something does not grow, it’s dead!! 2 Peter 3:18 God wants intimacy with us!!   - And He does this through Jesus Jesus needs to be our Saviour AND Lord!!…
Being brought low:    Philippians 4:12 So which Bible character can I talk about who has felt like this and knows what it's like? That's right, Paul! Paul writes about…
Summary: I don’t think Jesus is disappointed with His church.   I think He has enough love to speak over the church and into her destiny   “I am still…
Sunday Sermon Summary: A Christmas Present - Graham   A Present - something given to us (John 3:16) Are Present – someone with you (Psalms 46:1, Matthew 1:23) Now Present in…