Listen to Pastor Chuck's inspiring words as he explains why we can be and should be the most generous people on the planet!
Listen to Hannah's encouragement as she shares from the Word and from her own experience some important keys in drawing closer to God in Praise and Worship. Praise & Worship…
Listen in on some exciting things that God is doing in lives, in His Kingdom and across this nation, even as recently as the past few days, as Pastor Mark…
Pastor Chuck shares that the book of Matthew begins with and ends with "God with us!" Emmanuel - God with Us! God wants you to be *with Him* and realize…
Click to enjoy a wonderful time as Michael and Anne Pierce, and Sam Parker, all from OnWatch, share some wonderful insights and experiences on Family in the Body of Christ!
Jesus had been preaching & healing & meeting the needs of people. He *saw them* & was moved with compassion. Do we see people & are we moved with compassion? The…
All Word and no Spirit, we dry up; All Spirit and no Word, we blow up; BUT both Word and Spirit, we grow! Find out more as Pastor Chuck shares…
God does 2 things when He moves: 1. He separates out a vessel or vessels unto Himself for His own use. 2. God anoints, whom He has separated out, and…
Colossians 1:27 Are we functioning in relationship to the Father as Jesus did? Are we happy with the gifting and the calling God has given us? Do we really understand…
We need clear prophetic voices that Strengthen, Encourage and Challenge us, the Church. (1 Peter 4:7-11). “YOU are the light of the world." (Matthew 5:14-16) “LOVE is a magnet for…