You will be blessed as you listen in as Pastor Chuck shares wonderful insights into Thinking Beautifully, in honour of all our wonderful women! Here is the video that Pastor…
Listen to Graham Brum as he digs deep into the wonderful Biblical principles that reveal the amazing blessings that God wants to bestow upon us as we learn to seek…
In Luke 4, Jesus visits his hometown and declares a prophecy from Isaiah fulfilled, but the people are nonplussed because they want miracles.  So Jesus reminds them of how Elijah…
Listen to Pastor Chuck as he digs into the life of Peter and Peter's 1st letter, and discovering how NOTHING is more strengthening and encouraging than the Resurrection of Jesus! READ…
Listen to this important and very timely word that Pastor Chuck brings from the Lord, based on Revelation 2.   May you be encouraged to press deeper into the Lord, and…
In this next message in the series, join Hannah as she does a deep dive exploring the 2nd, 3rd & 4th of 7 Hebrew words for "praise": TOWDAH - (to-daw’)…
In this message join Hannah as she reviews some of the critical hindrances to being fully released into the freedom of deep praise and worship, and then does a deep…