October 16, 2022

2022-10-16 – God’s Separation & Anointing – Israel Gimba + Dunamis District Band

Passage: Luke 4:18; Isaiah 61:1-2; Psalms 133:1,2,3; James 5:14; 1 John 2:7; 1 John 2:20; 1 John 2:27; Zechariah 4:6; Romans 8:28

God does 2 things when He moves:

1. He separates out a vessel or vessels unto Himself for His own use.
2. God anoints, whom He has separated out, and this changes everything! God is the one who anoints.

1. He separates out a vessel unto Himself for His own use:
For example, David – was in the wilderness while growing up, separated out from his family and community, by God, for God’s own purpose.
There God began to train him & prepare him to lead His people, as a shepherd – this is God’s logic – not man’s logic!
• God prepared David by doing the “Sheep work”.
This separation is an essential necessity for God to prepare us for His use.
When His people gather together, separate from the world, this is a form of being separated out unto God.
Psalms 133:1-3 Where His people gather in harmony there is a commanded blessing of God.
The people of Israel were separated out from the other nations by God, to be a blessing to the world.
The Bible is the #1 best selling book of all time! His Word is alive & He brings hope, truth & His love.
We have been separated out by God and are called out to be His son & daughters.
2. God is the one who anoints, whom He has separated out, and this changes everything!
This anointing separates the believers from the unbelievers.
The anointing represents the Holy Spirit.
One man defeated 1000 highly trained skilled warriors by the anointing of the power of the Holy Spirit!! Samson.
David got the anointing for supernatural wisdom, power, authority, in battle, and in governing.
Jesus told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem, don’t talk to anyone, don’t do anything, until you get the anointing!
When the righteous rule the people rejoice! But when the wicked rule the people mourn.
We represent the Kingdom of God here on earth.
It was never about us, it is only about the Kingdom.
Jesus did not minister for 30 years, until He was anointed by Holy Spirit.
King Uzziah 8 year old boy was anointed by HS, and was one of the most transforming kings of Israel!
Daniel and his 3 friends were recognized by the king as being 10 x’s wiser than all their peers – because of the anointing.
James 5:14   Anointing for healing.
1 John 2:27   The Anointing will be a teacher.
1 John 2:20   the Anointing of the Holy One.
The anointing is for everyone who calls upon the Lord.
There’s an Anointing for everything because God is infinite & creative.
Zechariah 4:6 It’s not by human power or might, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.
1 John 2:7
The anointing teaches you, & you will hear from the Lord, what you are to do & how to be proficient in your particular calling.
There are so many examples of God’s anointing throughout scripture:

Eg: Jacob, Daniel, David, Elijah, …

Romans 8:28 – the Holy Spirit Anointing will cause all things to work out for those who love God and who are called to His purpose – called by God to do His work!
In the O.T. people anointed themselves every day – its ok to ask for His Holy Spirit’s anointing every day!
There will be new anointings – God is a creative God – He does not change!
God is doing something new!
Do not limit God.
In this season, you need this something new!!
God wants to give you/us something new! – His new anointing!
That will bring change for the Kingdom of God!!

Here is a link to Israel Gimba’s Bio:  https://en.everybodywiki.com/Israel_Gimba  (copy and paste this link into your browser)

And here is a music video with Israel Gimba and his band, Dunamis District.