April 3, 2022

2022-04-02 Shekinah – The Just Shall Live By Faith – Stanley Turner

Passage: John 13:17, Psalm 23:1-6, Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38, Psalm 80:18, Psalm 119:40,107,154,159, John 6:28-51, Revelation 3:17-22, Hebrews 11:1, Hebrews 11:6

What does the “Just Shall Live By Faith” mean for us today? This phrase is repeated four times in the Scriptures.  While it is only used once in the Old Testament, that verse contains a hidden Hebrew gem of discovery for why we cannot live without faith.  This message intertwines the real life testimony of losses and changes that produced anxiety with how walking by faith allows God to heal and lead in our lives to grow more faith.

We shall “live by” Faith!

Living by faith in the Old Testament

Habakkuk 2:4

Living by faith in the New Testament:

Romans 1:17
Galatians 3:11
Hebrews 10:38

God’s “Chayah” – in Psalms translated in JKV as:

Quicken – 14 x’s
Live – 153 x’s
Alive – 34 x’s
Save – 13 x’s
Revive – 12 x’s
Surely – 10 x’s
Life – 9 x’s

Be quickened – by God

Psalm 80:18
PS 119: 40, 107, 154, 159

We cannot live without God’s life within us, without faith in God

John 6:28-51 – Jesus is the Passover Lamb who died to give us His Body, His Blood, His Life

Through our faith & trust in Him we can live by faith, trust & hope in God’s promises

It is not escaping reality.   Its the opposite – we can be light to the people around us – ever through the grief of loss.

God does not want us to pretend – He wants us to come to Him in honesty and even with our complaints, so He can heal us and then, in turn, bring that healing and life from God to others.

The Psalms are so real, raw and honest and uplifting even in their candor and reality.

Rev 3:17-22 – Cloth ourselves with Christ, Yeshua.   This invitation and message is to His bride – not just to the lost.  It is meant for us – He’s standing at our door waiting for us to hear His voice to choose to trust Him & live by faith in Him

Heb 11:1- What is Faith?

Heb 11:6 How critical it is to have Faith?  Without faith we cannot please God.